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  • Writer's pictureTyler H

FastPark & Relax

Who else despises figuring out parking at the airport?? FastPark has made this so much easier and less of a hassle! Just jump on their site, make an account, and make a reservation.

Simply Show up and scan your QR code and boom you are in and parked under their lighted shelters. Within minutes a bus is at your car to load your luggage and passengers and off to the front doors of the airport you go!

What is even better is you are rewards points for every day that you stay and in turn can cash those points in for Free Days or even Free Weeks. We save our points up and get a full 7 days free for 40 points (Which is an addition TWO Days FOR FREE based on 8 Points per day FREE). Promotions are also done throughout the year to get double points as well as the famous Facebook Promotion at Christmas for the 12 day of Christmas with incredible giveaways. Want to try it for yourself? Use my referral code for 8 points on me which will give you 1 free day!


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Tyler & Allyson Hendricks

We are Tyler & Allyson along with our little man Carter! We are both travel agents specializing in Disney Vacations, Universal Studios, Disney Cruises, Royal Caribbean, Sandals Resorts, Norwegian Cruises, Carnival Cruises, Princess Cruises, and More......

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